Айлануучу бургулоочунун айлануучу Rig150m

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масштаб. The combination of the sturdy CAT chassis and its multifunctional capabilities enables it to handle various drilling tasks with ease and efficiency. Time and again, it has demonstrated its dependability in different scenarios and operating conditions, earning it a stellar reputation among industry professionals and experts globally. Whether in complex geological environments or challenging construction projects, the KR150M consistently delivers outstanding results, further reinforcing its status as a reliable and trusted piece of equipment in the field of rotary drilling.


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The KR150M uses a CAT chassis, multifunctional rotary drilling rig capable of realizing CFA work method.It's reliability is recognized internationally. The power head has multi-stage shock absorption technology, which is not available on ordinary rigs, ensuring the stability of the whole machine construction.The maximum drilling depth is 16m, and the maximum drilling diameter is 700mm. The CAT323 chassis is selected.One machine is multi-purpose, which can realize fast switching between rotary excavation method and CFA method, and meet the various needs of customers. The whole hydraulically controlled soil cleaning device of the whole machine can effectively remove the drilling tool residue, which is convenient and quick, and effectively reduces the labor cost. KR150M Мастикалык вертикалдуу технология технологиясынын техникалык технологиясы бургулоочу тактыкты жогору көтөрө алат.

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